Foreign buyers can be a potentially profitable group of buyers. Many sellers don’t initially think about these buyers. Although there are some hurdles when working with these buyers, there are many advantages as well.
How Are Foreign Buyers Different?
One way foreign buyers are different is that they are often seeking a visa. Another difference is that they may want access to the U.S. educational system. It is common for these buyers to buy a business in order to get their children into a particular U.S. school district or college. The desire to be eligible for state tuition also plays a role in the selection of the business. In this case, business location takes on a level of importance.
Keep in mind that business as well as cultural differences plays a role with these buyers. Everything from a different use of business terminology to expectations can play a role. This could effect negotiations.
Visas and Immigration
Foreign buyers are often dealing with the complex world of visas and immigration. Whether a deal takes place is dependent on whether a visa is issued. This detail is often built into agreements. Nonrefundable deposits may also play a role in the process.
What Do Foreign Buyers Want?
Foreign buyers will want to see that a business is profitable. As a business owner, you should be able to showcase profitability in a clear fashion. They will want to see tax returns and all the typical documentation that you would need to provide to any buyer.
They are also interested in longevity. If your business has successfully operated for decades, this will be a major advantage.
Most of what domestic buyers are looking for in a business will translate over to what foreign buyers are seeking. However, there are factors that are unique to these buyers, such as the visa process.
The process of selling a business requires dedicated, professional attention. EBIT saves business owners money by helping them avoid costly mistakes. We effectively market the appeal of the seller’s business and maximize exposure to serious and qualified buyers – all with confidentiality.