As an accomplished professional with strong Business Development and Strategic Planning background in the financial sector, Mr. Rene Joseph is focused on identifying and assessing strategic initiatives to determine market viability and financial return on assets considered for mergers and acquisitions. He has a demonstrated track record as an entrepreneur and in defining new business opportunities.
Mr. Rene Joseph’s career spans over 25 years in world-leading organizations like Morgan Stanley, Dresdner Bank, Synergy Tech Computers, Entex Information Services, and ICP Micro Age, in crucial positions involving Strategic planning, Business Development, Franchise sales, etc. He has owned and operated several franchises in the US and was a consultant to various franchisors since 2006. As a promoter of Wizelink International, he has a demonstrated track record of defining new business opportunities, leading innovation in the financial sector, and delivery of customer-focused solutions. A skilled leader capable of leading high-performance teams and aligned collaboration across organizations, he has the resources and capability for action planning in a matrix environment to achieve value realization and to identify synergies across varied businesses and industries.
ASE Training – Accredited System Engineer (ASE), Compaq College
Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer, Mentortech
B.E. (Mechanical Engineering), National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, India